Our Technology

Our Technology

Preparing electronics

Item detail

Any modification is carried out on engines after a long and careful tuning on our test benches and after the modifications any car is test-drived under any type of condition in order to guarantee its full reliability for all our clients. Our work on cars ends with the input of data into the Eprom and with the installation of them in the ECU.

Any modification is carried out on engines after a long and careful tuning on our test benches and after the modifications any car is test-drived under any type of condition in order to guarantee its full reliability for all our clients. Our work on cars ends with the input of data into the Eprom and with the installation of them in the ECU.

 How the ECU works: The ECU utilizes a microprocessor, which is linked to a ROM called eprom and which contains some hexadecimal values able to calculate advanced ignition and injection and also some boost values for the cars supplied with turbocharger.
 In order to control the engine, some sensors analyse some input physical quantities, which define the engine's features. After that these physical quantities are turned into electric signals, they are examined by the ECU, which establishes , with this information, ignition time, injection time, advanced ignition and the other parameters quoted heretofore.


Frequently Asked Question

There is no removal or addition of hardware parts, so there is no visible indication that the car is modified.
Most of the latest diagnostic tools can't find any difference because Engine electronics behave as if it was original.

Local garages usually lack the skills or the equipment to read out the file inside your ECU. To do this, they need to send ECU to the manufacturer.

The PIASINIENGINEERING software update is well-adapted to the existing transmission of your vehicle. It gives the best in performance, acceleration, and drivability.

PIASINIENGINEERING installation does not affect the wear and tear.
How you drive and take care of your vehicle (correct and regular servicing) does affect its conditions.

Generally, software optimization will provide a power increase and a lower fuel consumption. 

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